Hey there!

This is one of the places I currently put my stuff.

I am a mostly-self-taught programmer (loosely studying since 2013, got a hang on 2018), and I also do music!

If you want to check out my work:




Github Repo

A simplistic HTML5 slides tool

Hopeless Keyshift(2022)

On Bandcamp

On Youtube

My first released album.

Atmospheric Mind(2023)

On Bandcamp

On Youtube

My second album! Has a more proper instrumentation and a lengthier duration.

It began with the idea of trying to replicate low-quality samples, though it kind of lost most of that quality on the latter tracks.

And, at this point, I also know how to use actual low-quality samples in trackers, so if I really wanna go in that direction I hope I'll have a much better time.


Endless Life, Endless Death (ELED)(2023)

GMC 49 Jam URL

Play on GX.Games (chromium only, I think)

Soundtrack (on YouTube, PCMD8+VirtualBoy)

My first published game!

It's a (comically) short entry me and a friend of mine submitted to YoYoGames's 49th GMC Jam.

It was pretty fun to work on, and I hope to do more of this in the future.

P.S.: And sorry for not having an executable build... they forgot to give the Jam license lol


This website

This in itself could be considered a project, I guess!

Right now it's a static website, generated in Janet in somewhat-of-a-DSL, and it's really cool.

Adds a lot of convenience to making a website for the tradeoff of a (right now at least) negligible compile time.

Web apps

I'm not the biggest web app fan but it is a decent tool for some quick-n-dirty web apps.

Key tester (uses JS to track key presses)

Notes and documents

While I don't have my personal wiki, I guess this suffices?

Mini tutorial de C (wip) (pt-br)

Sistema Pa (lógica) (pt-br)

I guess this works as a portfolio?